Wednesday, March 28, 2012


On March 30th, 2006, the first t-shirt for To Write Love On Her Arms was worn, and since then thousands are wearing these t-shirts. So TWLOHA asked us, why do you wear TWLOHA t-shirts and merchandise? Here's my response. (posted on both my blogspot and tumblr accounts)

In another of my blog entries, I mentioned how I don't really remember how I came across TWLOHA; all I know is that from the get-go it hit me in the best way possible. This picture shows the first t-shirt that I purchased from TWLOHA with the lyrics of Satellite's "Ring the Bells" on it. I was going through a really rough time when I purchased this t-shirt and the song struck home with me. This lyric in particular made me feel stronger somehow, like even if things were rough, at least I was still breathing. There was still hope.

Now I wear my TWLOHA shirts and accessories to try and spread that message of hope. Some wear it to share their own stories, but I'm not there yet. Bit by bit I'm getting closer, but right now I really want to spread the message of hope. I remember days when I'll just be feeling terrible and I'll come across a positive quote that TWLOHA has posted on their facebook page or on twitter and the day will seem just a bit brighter. Or I'll listen to one of the songs that their staff and interns share every Friday on tumblr and it will speak to me on the same level that "Ring the Bells" did when I first came across this fantastic organization.

I want other to know that there is hope and that things can get better if you just work towards it and have patience. There are people out there who love you and who care for you, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes. You're not alone. Even if we don't all have the same story, we can find peace in knowing that our stories are valid. One of my favourite quotes from TWLOHA is, "We can't know your pain, but we can say that it matters." That to me is such a powerful statement. In a world where we're so keen on invalidating each other, to say that no, your pain does in fact matter, is so promising and heartwarming.

On some level, TWLOHA saved my life. I found strength and hope in this organization, and maybe from wearing a t-shirt or a bracelette or a dogtag, or even the tattoo "love" that I got on my left wrist, I can connect with someone else or help them find a source of hope, too. :)

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